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When it comes to your residential electrical service requirements, Kmaelectric stands out as the top choice. Is there anything more crucial than ensuring the functionality and safety of your electrical system? This system not only keeps everything operational but also requires expert maintenance to prevent potential hazards such as shock, electrocution, or fire. Don't risk it—choose your electrician for this type of service wisely.

Electrician is using a screwdriver to install a power outlet in to a plastic box on a wood

Electrical Repairs

One frequently encountered request involves electrical repairs. If you find yourself in need of such services, it's crucial not to gamble on subpar workmanship; instead, prioritize quality and reliability.

Electric screened cable with many wires isolated on grey.jpg

For installation, maintenance, repairs and replacement of your electrical wiring, make sure you are working with the most reliable pros.


Outdated panels are unable to keep up with modern day demand for electrical supply. That means tripped breakers and other problems. Let us upgrade for you and help make your home safe while improving your quality of life.

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